(CIA Members-only) 20 min Discovery Call
Phone Evaluation
Service Description
(For Craft Industry Alliance members only) Book your free 20 minute phone evaluation of your current business and insight on how we can work together to improve things quickly! A quick questionnaire will be emailed to you prior to our appointment to help me get up to speed on where you are with your business so we can focus on figuring out if my help is right for you.

Cancellation Policy
Business consultations and photography skills session cancellations accepted within 24 hours of appointment time with full payment refunded within 48 hours of cancellation. Any cancellations made less than 24 hours of the scheduled appointment are non-refundable unless directly authorized by Marlo Miyashiro in writing. Please email for more info. Notices and disclaimers: Arts Business Consulting and Product Photography Consultations The information you receive during a consulting session, online photography evaluation report, or product photography workshop will include advice, helpful tips, and ideas on how you can improve your business and/or product photography. If you are unhappy with the quality of the information you receive, please email me directly at marlo@creativeartsconsulting.com with your questions and concerns and I will do everything I can to help. Disclaimer: Please note that Creative Art Consulting / Small Object Photography cannot guarantee that the advice given will improve your business, create better photos of your products, or more create sales in your online store. Our consultations, reports, and meetings offer best practices and guidelines to help you better understand how to improve your business and photography with practice and perseverance. All results are the responsibility of the participant. If you have any questions or reservations about this policy, please contact me anytime so we can discuss your needs.
Contact Details